6 Factors to Optimal Immune System – CS Leaflabs

6 Factors to Optimal Immune System

6 Factors to Optimal Immune System

Infectious disease is likely to become a huge problem as we move forward in our current situation, up to date Coronavirus (COVID-19) has killed more than 5M people.

So it's critical that we keep our immune systems functioning at their best. As a result, in order for the immune system to respond to all possible threats, it must meet the following conditions.

  1. Speed

Invaders such as bacteria, viruses, and cancer all have one thing in common: they can grow very quickly in a short period of time. If they can overpower your immune system, you're more likely to have your immune system defeated and contract infections.

  1. Active macrophages

What are macrophages? Macrophages have the ability to recognise cells that belong to your body, and if an invader such as a virus, bacteria, or cancer cell is detected, it will attack it.

The macrophages must be active at all times because the longer it takes to reach an intruder, the more time the invader has to grow and become more dangerous. We require fast moving macrophages in sufficient numbers in order to have an optimal immune system.

  1. Healthy well developed T-cell team

Having the right number of T-cells is one of the most crucial aspects of having a healthy immune system. If Macrophages request a T-helper cell from the immune system and none is available, the immune system is in serious trouble.

  1. A healthy thymus gland

T-cells are produced by the thymus gland, which is located between the lungs in the chest. It has to be the right size and in good shape. Do you realise that your food has an impact on the thymus and its production?

thymus gland.png

  1. Excitable B-cells

The B-cells (antibodies) are usually “laid back”, but they should not be too relaxed. T-helper will trigger B-cell when invaders come in and it will produce bug spray to neutralize invaders.

The main sources of bug spray are vitamins, minerals and protein!

  1. A clear communication cellular network

When the immune response involves communication and travel, there is a potential of a temporal delay in locating the invader. A time lag at any of these stages can be extremely harmful to your immune system and have a negative impact on your health.

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